One of my best friends is two years old. She's witty and charming, funny, snuggly and adorable. She calls me Savon and feeds me goldfish crackers. She thinks that
Henry and
Charles are the greatest toys ever because they're best friends and they go on adventures to the other side of the couch and they've adopted Baby Goat because he didn't have a Mummy Goat to pick him up from the doctor. And she overlooks the fact that Henry is actually a girl. And when we catch the end of Let's Make a Deal before her favourite TV show comes on she always correctly chooses the Big Deal of the Day. Always.
I'm moving across the country at the end of the summer in pursuit of academic interests.
I'm going to miss The Kid immensely.
In (admittedly selfish) hopes that she'll miss me too, I've made her a present so that she'll have something to remember me by. It's based on a toy that was given to me as a little girl that I loved: a plush bunny in a purple dress that I named Violet. Knowing The Kid's affection for bunnies, I brought Violet with me to play one day and now when I don't bring her, there are disappointed queries of "Savon, where is Bilet?"
So I sewed her a Bilet (sans pattern, naturally):
Violet and Bilet |
And I'm making lots of clothes for Bilet 2.0 to wear (naked bunnies just look a little sad). So far I've done a bathing suit (which I want for myself), a jumper with a green t-shirt (that I might want), And a blue party dress (I want one of those too).
In the works are pyjamas, a tutu, jeans/a jean skirt and perhaps a jacket. Pictures will be posted soon.
I'm also working on a baby-quilt for future The Second Kid. My grandma made all of us quilts when we were born, and since I'm on a huge sewing kick right now I thought I'd give it a shot. Honestly, I'm a bit intimidated since Grandma's quilts are the greatest and I don't even know where to start.
Bilet 2.0 will be presented to her new owner when the quilt is presented to their Mama. Tears will be involved, I am sure.